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SDFF 2012

Seattle Deaf Film Festival had a great turnout! Thank you for coming out to support
national and international filmmakers and their films! 



First of all, thank you for coming to our festival, seeing our films and voting for your favorite films! Congratulations to all filmmakers and their films and we are looking forward to see more of their works in the future! 


Following are the awards and winners:


Best Feature Film: The Hammer
Director: Eben Kosbar


Best Documentary Film: Austin Unbound
Directors: Eliza Greenwood & Sel Staley


Best Drama Short Film: The End
Director: Ted Evans


Best Animation Short Film: Chasing Clouds
Director: Sam Dore


Best Comedy Short Film:  All Day
Director: Nadia Nadarajah

SDFF 2012 Committee:

Patty Liang                  Festival Director

Rob Roth                      Co- Director

Buddy Elledge             Marketing Director

Jason Plourde             Advisor

Josiah Cheslik              Web Developer

Jerrel Mathern            Film Submission Coordinator

Joshua Jones               Open Reception Coordinator

Libby Stanley               Ticketing Manager 

Napal Tesfai                Volunteer Coordinator

Marilyn Smith             Sponsorship

Dan Brubaker             Sponsorship

Seiji Franklin                Awards Coordinator

Valdies Czikan             Photographer

Jason Tang                   Photographer

Jena Floyd                    Merchandise Sales

Howie Seago               Film Committee Member


Inspired by Pike Place Market, the design team: Buddy Elledge, Jena Floyd, and Joshua Jones worked together to create an iconic poster incorporating elements of Seattle. They sought to capture the excitement and everlasting sense of a community coming together to celebrate cinema.

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